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Solitare WSL Herbicide

Control over 40 weeds with Just One Product

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Solitare WSL Herbicide is a selective post-emergent liquid concentrate that contains half a pound of active ingredients per gallon of concentrate. It works by absorbing into the foliage, roots, and shoots of the plant. Using sulfentrazone, quinclorac, and a built-in surfactant, Solitare WSL Herbicide controls multiple weeds that would otherwise force you to use different herbicides together. Solitare WSL will provide faster plant penetration with the added surfactant. With no need for tank mixing, the liquid solution of the product makes it easy to apply with ride-on, back-back sprayers and nurse tanks. It will not settle out or separate when it is mixed with water. Crabgrass, sedge, broadleaf weeds - this product controls more than 40 different types of weeds, without the need of another herbicide. See results fast - works within 48 hours. This 3/4 gallon container will treat half an acre of turf. The product works best when there has been no irrigation within a day of application, making sure the product isn't diluted, and a half an inch of rain or irrigation within 7 days after the treatment.
Active Ingredient %
Quinclorac 5.00 %
Sulfentrazone 1.60 %
Other Ingredients 93.40 %
Mode of Action
Lipid Synthesis Inhibitors
Site of Action
(1) ACCase Inhibitor
Available on Amazon

$0.84 / fl oz
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Available on Do My Own

$1.02 / fl oz
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Not Safe On
No not safe on treatments listed. Please, review the label or contact the merchant for more information.
Maximum Yearly Limits
Consult your state Pesticide Control Agency for additional information regarding the maximum use rates.
Before Seeding Instructions
Overseeding of bermudagrass with perennial ryegrass at two (2) to four (4) weeks after an application can be done if slight injury to perennial ryegrass can be tolerated.
After Seeding Instructions
First application of this product to newly established turf can be made following the second mowing provided the turfgrass has developed into a uniform stand with a good root system. Turfgrass injury could result from application of this product on turfgrass that is not well established or has been weakened by stresses such as unfavorable weather conditions, disease, chemical or mechanical influences.
Surfactant Instructions
Solitare WSL Herbicide has been formulated with a surfactant.

Solitare WSL Optimized Application Label Rate Calculator

No Control
Grass / Turf Types Safe
Seashore Paspalum
Jump to CertainLabel™ Solitare WSL Label Rates & Calculator for these 5 turf types
Spot Treatment
Label Rate:
4 - 7.9 fluid ounces per gallon
Cost Effectiveness:
Makes 12.152 - 24 gallons
at a cost of
$3.37 - $6.66 per gallon
Blanket Treatment
Label Rate:
4 - 7.9 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
Cost Effectiveness:
Covers 12152 - 24000 square feet
at a cost of
$3.37 - $6.66 per 1,000 sqft
Tifsport bermudagrass and Zeon zoysiagrass are more susceptible to temporary turf discoloration than other bermudagrass and zoysiagrass varieties. It is recommended to treat a small area prior to treatment of larger areas.
Grass / Turf Types Safe
Fine Fescue
Kentucky Bluegrass
Perennial Ryegrass
Roughstalk Bluegrass
Tall Fescue
Jump to CertainLabel™ Solitare WSL Label Rates & Calculator for these 5 turf types
Spot Treatment
Label Rate:
4 - 6.5 fluid ounces per gallon
Cost Effectiveness:
Makes 14.769 - 24 gallons
at a cost of
$3.37 - $5.48 per gallon
Blanket Treatment
Label Rate:
4 - 6.5 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
Cost Effectiveness:
Covers 14769 - 24000 square feet
at a cost of
$3.37 - $5.48 per 1,000 sqft
Liquid Harvest Lazer Blue Concentrated Spray Pattern Indicator 8 Ounces Per...
Spot Treatment
Label Rate:
4 - 7.9 fluid ounces per gallon
Cost Effectiveness:
Makes 12.152 - 24 gallons
at a cost of
$3.37 - $6.66 per gallon
Blanket Treatment
Label Rate:
4 - 7.9 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
Cost Effectiveness:
Covers 12152 - 24000 square feet
at a cost of
$3.37 - $6.66 per 1,000 sqft
Weeds are suppressed at lower label rates (<5.4 qt/acre). For optimum control apply rates of at least 5.4 qt./A in a single application. Do not exceed the application rate specified for the turf species in Table 1 on Page 3 of label.
Spot Treatment
Label Rate:
4 - 7.9 fluid ounces per gallon
Cost Effectiveness:
Makes 12.152 - 24 gallons
at a cost of
$3.37 - $6.66 per gallon
Blanket Treatment
Label Rate:
4 - 7.9 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
Cost Effectiveness:
Covers 12152 - 24000 square feet
at a cost of
$3.37 - $6.66 per 1,000 sqft
Solitare WSL Herbicide controls goosegrass when applied to newly emerged weeds in the 1-4 leaf stage of development
Spot Treatment
Label Rate:
4 - 7.9 fluid ounces per gallon
Cost Effectiveness:
Makes 12.152 - 24 gallons
at a cost of
$3.37 - $6.66 per gallon
Blanket Treatment
Label Rate:
4 - 7.9 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
Cost Effectiveness:
Covers 12152 - 24000 square feet
at a cost of
$3.37 - $6.66 per 1,000 sqft
Multiple applications may be required. Second application must occur no earlier than 28 to 35 days after the first application.
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