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Basagran T/O Herbicide

Better Post-emergent Control

Basagran T/O Logo
Basagran T&O herbicide offers reliable, cost-effective post-emergent control of tough broadleaf weeds, yellow nutsedge, annual sedges and more. It can also provide weed control in ornamentals.
Active Ingredient %
Bentazon 44.00 %
Other Ingredients 56.00 %
Mode of Action
Photosynthesis Inhibitors
Site of Action
(6) Photosystem II Inhibitor
Available on Do My Own

$141.28 / gal
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Not Safe On
No not safe on treatments listed. Please, review the label or contact the merchant for more information.
Maximum Yearly Limits
DO NOT exceed a total of 1 lb bentazon (active ingredient) per acre in a single application or 2 lbs bentazon (active ingredient) per acre per season.
Mowing Instructions
For best control of broadleaf weeds, DO NOT mow turfgrass within 3 days before or after application.
Water Instructions
Rainfall or overhead sprinkler irrigation within 8 hours after application may reduce the effectiveness of Basagran T&O.
After Seeding Instructions
DO NOT apply Basagran T&O to any newly seeded or newly sprigged turfgrass until seedlings or sprigs are well established or injury may result.
Surfactant Instructions
DO NOT use a surfactant or oil additive with 2,4-D; MCPP; or 2,4-DP.

Basagran T/O Optimized Application Label Rate Calculator

No Control
Grass / Turf Types Safe
Annual Ryegrass
Fine Fescue
Kentucky Bluegrass
Perennial Ryegrass
Red Fescue
Seashore Paspalum
St. Augustinegrass
Tall Fescue
Jump to CertainLabel™ Basagran T/O Label Rates & Calculator for these 15 turf types
Spot Treatment
Label Rate:
0.55 - 0.75 fluid ounces per gallon
Cost Effectiveness:
Makes 170.667 - 232.727 gallons
at a cost of
$0.61 - $0.83 per gallon
Blanket Treatment
Label Rate:
0.55 - 0.75 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
Cost Effectiveness:
Covers 170667 - 232727 square feet
at a cost of
$0.61 - $0.83 per 1,000 sqft
Spot Treatment
Label Rate:
0.55 - 0.75 fluid ounces per gallon
Cost Effectiveness:
Makes 170.667 - 232.727 gallons
at a cost of
$0.61 - $0.83 per gallon
See label page 5 and 6 for more detailed information.
Blanket Treatment
Label Rate:
0.55 - 0.75 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
Cost Effectiveness:
Covers 170667 - 232727 square feet
at a cost of
$0.61 - $0.83 per 1,000 sqft
See label page 5 and 6 for more detailed information.
Agri-Fab 45-0218 26-Inch Push Lawn Sweeper, 26 Inches, Black
Spot Treatment
Label Rate:
0.55 - 0.75 fluid ounces per gallon
Cost Effectiveness:
Makes 170.667 - 232.727 gallons
at a cost of
$0.61 - $0.83 per gallon
See label page 5 and 6 for more detailed information.
Blanket Treatment
Label Rate:
0.55 - 0.75 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
Cost Effectiveness:
Covers 170667 - 232727 square feet
at a cost of
$0.61 - $0.83 per 1,000 sqft
See label page 5 and 6 for more detailed information. Control may be partial or inconsistent.
Spot Treatment
Label Rate:
0.55 - 0.75 fluid ounces per gallon
Cost Effectiveness:
Makes 170.667 - 232.727 gallons
at a cost of
$0.61 - $0.83 per gallon
See label page 5 and 6 for more detailed information.
Blanket Treatment
Label Rate:
0.55 - 0.75 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
Cost Effectiveness:
Covers 170667 - 232727 square feet
at a cost of
$0.61 - $0.83 per 1,000 sqft
See label page 5 and 6 for more detailed information. Make two applications of Basagran T&O for best control of yellow nutsedge. Apply 0.55 to 0.75 fl oz of Basagran T&O per 1000 sq ft (24 to 32 fl ozs/A) when yellow nutsedge is 6-inches to 8-inches tall. Make a second application at the same rate 7 to 10 days later or when new growth appears later in the season. Thorough spray coverage of yellow nutsedge is essential for maximum control. Yellow nutsedge emerges May through July in the northern United States, but it emerges throughout the year in the southern United States. Plan initial applications when yellow nutsedge has emerged because Basagran T&O will only control nutsedge plants that have emerged.
Spot Treatment
Label Rate:
0.55 - 0.75 fluid ounces per gallon
Cost Effectiveness:
Makes 170.667 - 232.727 gallons
at a cost of
$0.61 - $0.83 per gallon
See label page 5 and 6 for more detailed information.
Blanket Treatment
Label Rate:
0.55 - 0.75 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
Cost Effectiveness:
Covers 170667 - 232727 square feet
at a cost of
$0.61 - $0.83 per 1,000 sqft
See label page 5 and 6 for more detailed information. Apply 0.75 fl oz of Basagran T&O per 1000 sq ft (32 fl ozs/A) when Canada thistle is from 8-inches tall to the bud stage. If desired control is not obtained with the first application, make a second application at the same rate 7 to 10 days later or when new growth appears.
The Andersons Humic DG Organic Soil Amendment - Covers up to 40,000 sq ft (...
Spot Treatment
Label Rate:
0.55 - 0.75 fluid ounces per gallon
Cost Effectiveness:
Makes 170.667 - 232.727 gallons
at a cost of
$0.61 - $0.83 per gallon
See label page 5 and 6 for more detailed information.
Blanket Treatment
Label Rate:
0.55 - 0.75 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
Cost Effectiveness:
Covers 170667 - 232727 square feet
at a cost of
$0.61 - $0.83 per 1,000 sqft
See label page 5 and 6 for more detailed information. Apply 0.75 fl oz of Basagran T&O per 1000 sq ft (32 fl ozs/A) when musk thistle is in the rosette stage no larger than 10 inches in diameter. If desired control is not obtained with the first application, make a second application at the same rate 7 to 10 days later or when new growth appears.
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