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Mullein Weed Killer

Verbascum thapsus Herbicide

Description of Mullein (Verbascum thapsus):
Mullien is a type of weed that forms has rosette leaves that can be over a foot long. The leaves are covered on both sides with short and soft hairs, giving it a feel like flannel cloth. They grow 2 to 8 feet tall and the flowers are sulfur-yellow and shaped like saucers.

Other common name: Common Mullein
According to the manufacturer approved labels: The following 9 weed killers, applied at the listed application rates, will control Mullein.
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Spot Treatment
Label Rate:
0.75 - 1.8 fluid ounces per gallon
Cost Effectiveness:
Makes 11.111 - 26.667 gallons
at a cost of
$1.31 - $3.15 per gallon
Blanket Treatment
Label Rate:
0.73 - 1.84 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
Cost Effectiveness:
Covers 10890 - 27225 square feet
at a cost of
$1.29 - $3.21 per 1,000 sqft
Safe On
Annual Bluegrass, Annual Ryegrass, Bentgrass, Colonial Bentgrass, Fine Fescue, Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Red Fescue, and Tall Fescue
Safe Rate:
1.1 - 1.8 fluid ounces per gallon
1.1 - 1.84 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
CertainLabel™ Calculator for SpeedZone & these grass types
Bermudagrass, Buffalograss, and Zoysiagrass
Safe Rate:
0.75 - 1.5 fluid ounces per gallon
0.73 - 1.47 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
CertainLabel™ Calculator for SpeedZone & these grass types
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Spot Treatment
No spot treatment rates listed. Please, review the label or contact the merchant for more information.
Broadcast Treatment
Label Rate:
2.4 lbs per 1,000 sqft
Cost Effectiveness:
Covers 5000 square feet
at a cost of
$7.23 per 1,000 sqft
Safe On
Annual Ryegrass, Bermudagrass, Buffalograss, Chewings Fescue, Fine Fescue, Hard Fescue, Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Red Fescue, Seashore Paspalum, Tall Fescue, and Zoysiagrass
Safe Rate:
2.4 lbs per 1,000 sqft
CertainLabel™ Calculator for BioAdvanced All-in-One Weed & Feed with Microfeed Action & these grass types
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Spot Treatment
Label Rate:
0.75 - 2.4 fluid ounces per gallon
Cost Effectiveness:
Makes 6.667 - 21.333 gallons
at a cost of
$1.20 - $3.84 per gallon
Blanket Treatment
Label Rate:
0.75 - 2.4 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
Cost Effectiveness:
Covers 6667 - 21333 square feet
at a cost of
$1.20 - $3.84 per 1,000 sqft
Safe On
Fine Fescue, Perennial Ryegrass, Red Fescue, and Tall Fescue
Safe Rate:
1.5 - 2.4 fluid ounces per gallon
1.5 - 2.4 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
CertainLabel™ Calculator for Bonide Weed Beater Ultra Concentrate & these grass types
Bahiagrass, Buffalograss, and Centipedegrass
Safe Rate:
0.75 - 1.8 fluid ounces per gallon
0.75 - 1.1 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
CertainLabel™ Calculator for Bonide Weed Beater Ultra Concentrate & these grass types
Bermudagrass and Zoysiagrass
Safe Rate:
0.75 - 1.8 fluid ounces per gallon
0.75 - 1.8 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
CertainLabel™ Calculator for Bonide Weed Beater Ultra Concentrate & these grass types
St. Augustinegrass
Safe Rate:
0.75 - 1.8 fluid ounces per gallon
0.75 - 1.1 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
CertainLabel™ Calculator for Bonide Weed Beater Ultra Concentrate & St. Augustinegrass
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Spot Treatment
No spot treatment rates listed. Please, review the label or contact the merchant for more information.
Blanket Treatment
Label Rate:
0.16 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
Cost Effectiveness:
Covers 199131 square feet
at a cost of
$0.48 per 1,000 sqft
Safe On
No safe on treatments listed. Please, review the label or contact the merchant for more information.
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Spot Treatment
Label Rate:
6.4 fluid ounces per gallon
Cost Effectiveness:
Makes 5 gallons
at a cost of
$3.59 per gallon
Blanket Treatment
Label Rate:
6.4 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
Cost Effectiveness:
Covers 5000 square feet
at a cost of
$3.59 per 1,000 sqft
Safe On
Bentgrass, Fine Fescue, Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Red Fescue, Tall Fescue, and Zoysiagrass
Safe Rate:
6.4 fluid ounces per gallon
6.4 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
CertainLabel™ Calculator for BioAdvanced All in One Lawn Weed and Crabgrass Killer & these grass types
ACCUTECK All-in-1 Series W-8250-50bs A-Pt 50 Digital Shipping Postal Scale ...
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Spot Treatment
Label Rate:
6.25 fluid ounces per gallon
Cost Effectiveness:
Makes 5.12 gallons
at a cost of
$4.38 per gallon
Blanket Treatment
Label Rate:
6.4 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
Cost Effectiveness:
Covers 5000 square feet
at a cost of
$4.48 per 1,000 sqft
Safe On
Annual Ryegrass, Bermudagrass, Buffalograss, Chewings Fescue, Fine Fescue, Hard Fescue, Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Red Fescue, Tall Fescue, and Zoysiagrass
Safe Rate:
6.25 fluid ounces per gallon
6.4 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
CertainLabel™ Calculator for Fertilome Weed-Out with Crabgrass Killer & these grass types
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Spot Treatment
No spot treatment rates listed. Please, review the label or contact the merchant for more information.
Blanket Treatment
Label Rate:
0.37 - 1.47 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
Cost Effectiveness:
Covers 217800 - 871200 square feet
at a cost of
$0.00 per 1,000 sqft
Safe On
Bahiagrass, Bentgrass, Bermudagrass, Buffalograss, Chewings Fescue, Fine Fescue, Hard Fescue, Kentucky Bluegrass, Perennial Ryegrass, Red Fescue, St. Augustinegrass, Tall Fescue, and Zoysiagrass
Safe Rate:
0.37 - 1.47 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
CertainLabel™ Calculator for 2,4-D Amine 4 & these grass types
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Spot Treatment
Label Rate:
1.33 fluid ounces per gallon
Cost Effectiveness:
Makes 24.06 gallons
at a cost of
$0.81 per gallon
Blanket Treatment
Label Rate:
0.73 - 1.16 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
Cost Effectiveness:
Covers 27657 - 43560 square feet
at a cost of
$0.45 - $0.70 per 1,000 sqft
Safe On
No safe on treatments listed. Please, review the label or contact the merchant for more information.
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Spot Treatment
Label Rate:
0.73 - 1.28 fluid ounces per gallon
Cost Effectiveness:
Makes 250 - 438.356 gallons
at a cost of
$0.57 - $1.01 per gallon
Blanket Treatment
Label Rate:
0.73 - 1.28 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
Cost Effectiveness:
Covers 250000 - 438356 square feet
at a cost of
$0.57 - $1.01 per 1,000 sqft
Safe On
Chewings Fescue, Fine Fescue, Hard Fescue, Red Fescue, and Tall Fescue
Safe Rate:
0.73 - 1.28 fluid ounces per gallon
0.73 - 1.28 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
CertainLabel™ Calculator for Sure Power Selective & these grass types
Kentucky Bluegrass and Perennial Ryegrass
Safe Rate:
0.73 - 1.28 fluid ounces per gallon
0.73 - 1.28 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
CertainLabel™ Calculator for Sure Power Selective & these grass types

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