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N-Ext Humic12

Liquid Humic Acid

N-Ext Humic12 Logo
The benefits of N-Ext Humic12™ in your program are: Increased root growth, Increased chlorophyll content, Increased nutrient uptake, Improved soil structure, Improved water retention, Improved plant quality.
N-Ext Humic12™ may be applied to all turf and planting beds at any time of the growing season. This product is readily dispersed in most fertilizer or micronutrient products. Avoid using this product with acids and oxidizers. This product is a weak alkaline solution and may alter the pH of certain solutions. A weak acid may be used to reduce the pH of the spray solution. This product may be applied with various irrigation water systems.
If you have “bad soil” then you want this high concentration of Humic Acid to really jumpstart the soil life and start pulling natural nutrients from that “bad soil”.
The benefits of Humic12 are:
  • Increased root growth
  • Increased chlorophyll content
  • Increased nutrient uptake
  • Improved soil structure
  • Improved plant quality
Active Ingredient %
Humic Acid 12.00 %
Other Ingredients 88.00 %
Available on Yard Mastery

$21.60 / gal
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Fertilizer & Nutrient Analysis
Blanket Application
Label Rate:
3 - 9 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
Label Rate Nutrient Analysis:
Ingredient % Mass / Area
Humic Acid 12% 0.03 - 0.08 lbs / 1,000 sqft
Label Rate Cost Effectiveness:
Covers 71111 - 213333 square feet
at a cost of
$0.51 - $1.52 per 1,000 sqft
Product Volume to Nutrient Mass:
Total Nutrient Cost Analysis:
Ingredient Total Mass Cost / Mass Mass / Volume
Humic Acid 5.34 lbs $20.22 / lb 1.07 lbs / 1 gallon

N-Ext Humic12 Optimized Application Label Rate Calculator

No Control
Blanket Treatment:
Grass / Turf Types Safe
Annual Ryegrass
Chewings Fescue
Colonial Bentgrass
Fine Fescue
Hard Fescue
Kentucky Bluegrass
Kikuyu Grass
Perennial Ryegrass
Red Fescue
St. Augustinegrass
Tall Fescue
Jump to CertainLabel™ N-Ext Humic12 Label Rates & Calculator for these 18 turf types
Blanket Treatment
Label Rate:
3 - 9 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
Cost Effectiveness:
Covers 71111 - 213333 square feet
at a cost of
$0.51 - $1.52 per 1,000 sqft
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