Description of Spring Dead Spot (Ophiosphaerella):
Spring dead spot is caused by the fungus called Ophiosphaerella. It occurs in turf that remains dormant in spring in circular patches ranging from 6 inches to several feet in diameter. These patches eventually will die. The roots, stolons, and rhizomes will all be rotten in the affected areas.
Spring Dead Spot Optimized Control Options Finder
No Control
According to the manufacturer approved labels: The following 4 fungicides, applied at the listed application rates, will control Spring Dead Spot.
Broadcast Treatment
Label Rate:
2 - 4 lbs per 1,000 sqft
Cost Effectiveness:
Covers 2500 - 5000 square feet
at a cost of
$3.89 - $7.79 per 1,000 sqft
at a cost of
$3.89 - $7.79 per 1,000 sqft
Blanket Treatment
Application Interval:
Spring / Fall
30 days
30 days
Label Rate:
4 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
Cost Effectiveness:
Covers 8000 square feet
at a cost of
$5.00 per 1,000 sqft
at a cost of
$5.00 per 1,000 sqft
Make 1 to 3 applications. For one application, apply in September or October. For multiple
applications, begin sprays in August
Blanket Treatment
Application Interval:
14 days
14 days
Label Rate:
4 - 6 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
Cost Effectiveness:
Covers 5333 - 8000 square feet
at a cost of
$6.44 - $9.67 per 1,000 sqft
at a cost of
$6.44 - $9.67 per 1,000 sqft
Apply 2 treatments at 21 day intervals in late fall to early winter, with the last application made just prior to first permanent snow cover. Rotations and/or tank mix combinations with PCNB can be utilized.
Broadcast Treatment
Application Interval:
14 days
Label Rate:
6 - 9 lbs per 1,000 sqft
Cost Effectiveness:
Covers 3333 - 5000 square feet
at a cost of
$14.39 - $21.58 per 1,000 sqft
at a cost of
$14.39 - $21.58 per 1,000 sqft
For prevention, apply in fall before turf has stopped all growth activity. Apply second application in early Spring when soil temperatures reach 55-60°F or when disease first appears. For curative action, apply when disease first appears in early spring and continue at 14 day intervals.