Home > Lawn Fungi > Rhizoctonia Leaf Blight Fungicide
Rhizoctonia Leaf Blight Fungicide
Rhizoctonia zeae Fungicide
Description of Rhizoctonia Leaf Blight (Rhizoctonia zeae):
Rhizoctonia leaf blight is a soil-borne fungus that causes stem rots, root rots, damping-off and blight of the leaves. Although, it is rare to have leaf blight compared to the other Rhizoctonia rots listed.
Rhizoctonia Leaf Blight Optimized Control Options Finder
No Control
According to the manufacturer approved labels: The following 2 fungicides, applied at the listed application rates, will control Rhizoctonia Leaf Blight.
Broadcast Treatment
Application Interval:
14 - 28 days
Label Rate:
2 - 4 lbs per 1,000 sqft
Cost Effectiveness:
Covers 7500 - 15000 square feet
at a cost of
$5.34 - $10.68 per 1,000 sqft
at a cost of
$5.34 - $10.68 per 1,000 sqft
Apply when conditions are favorable for infection such as sequential days with temperatures at or above 90°F. Curative control may require several applications. Irrigate lightly after application to activate.
Broadcast Treatment
Application Interval:
28 days
Label Rate:
3 lbs per 1,000 sqft
Cost Effectiveness:
Covers 5000 square feet
at a cost of
$11.99 per 1,000 sqft
at a cost of
$11.99 per 1,000 sqft
Apply when conditions are favorable for disease development. Rhizoctonia infection can occur under warm, humid conditions on both cool-season turfgrass and warm-season turfgrass. This disease has been associated with localized dry spots, and necrotic (brown) ring symptoms can form. The use of a wetting agent can aid in recovery from dry spots.