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Simple Lawn Solutions Extreme Grass Growth Lawn Booster Fertilizer

Growth Booster

Simple Lawn Solutions Extreme Grass Growth Lawn Booster Logo
Growth Booster is a specifically designed phosphate concentrate energized with Fulvic & Humic acid. Formulated to increase your lawns vertical and lateral growth. Enhance the thickness of your lawn or speed up growth for new sod and seeding. Simple Lawn Solutions: Growth Booster will also intensify reactions with existing minerals in your lawn and soil and help fight mineral deficiencies.
Fertilizer & Nutrient Analysis
Blanket Application
Label Rate:
10 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
Fertilizer NPK Ratio:
6 - 19 - 0
Label Rate Nutrient Analysis:
Ingredient % Mass / Area
Nitrogen 6% 0.06 lbs / 1,000 sqft
Phosphorus 19% 0.18 lbs / 1,000 sqft
Humic Acid 3% 0.03 lbs / 1,000 sqft
Fulvic Acid 45% 0.42 lbs / 1,000 sqft
Label Rate Cost Effectiveness:
Covers 3200 square feet
at a cost of
$7.43 per 1,000 sqft
Product Volume to Nutrient Mass:
Total Nutrient Cost Analysis:
Ingredient Total Mass Cost / Mass Mass / Volume
Nitrogen 0.18 lbs $132.06 / lb 0.72 lbs / 1 gallon
Phosphorus 0.57 lbs $41.70 / lb 2.28 lbs / 1 gallon
Humic Acid 0.09 lbs $264.11 / lb 0.36 lbs / 1 gallon
Fulvic Acid 1.35 lbs $17.61 / lb 5.4 lbs / 1 gallon

Simple Lawn Solutions Extreme Grass Growth Lawn Booster Optimized Application Label Rate Calculator

No Control
Blanket Treatment:
Grass / Turf Types Safe
Annual Ryegrass
Chewings Fescue
Colonial Bentgrass
Fine Fescue
Hard Fescue
Kentucky Bluegrass
Kikuyu Grass
Perennial Ryegrass
Red Fescue
St. Augustinegrass
Tall Fescue
Jump to CertainLabel™ Simple Lawn Solutions Extreme Grass Growth Lawn Booster Label Rates & Calculator for these 18 turf types
Blanket Treatment
Label Rate:
10 fluid ounces per 1,000 sqft
Cost Effectiveness:
Covers 3200 square feet
at a cost of
$7.43 per 1,000 sqft
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