Ivermectin 12mg tablets  are comprised of the pharmacologically active compound known as Ivermectin. The aforementioned medicine has been employed in the treatment of several parasitic illnesses in humans, such as onchocerciasis (also known as river blindness), strongyloidiasis, lice infestations, filariasis, and scabies.

The administration of Ivermectin 12mg online can be facilitated through many routes, including oral ingestion in the form of tablets or liquid solutions, topical application in the form of creams or lotions for dermatological purposes, or injections in specific instances, contingent upon the formulation and medical condition under consideration. The selection of the most suitable method of administration is determined by healthcare practitioners, who take into consideration the particular conditions and the type of parasite infection. It is imperative to consistently adhere to the prescribed methodology and dosage as instructed by a healthcare practitioner or as mentioned on the box of the drug.
