Narcolepsy is a long-term nerve problem that makes it hard for the brain to control when to sleep and when to wake up. People with narcolepsy may feel relaxed when they wake up, but they may feel very sleepy for most of the day. Many people with narcolepsy also have trouble sleeping, which can cause them to wake up often during the night.  Artvigil 150 Mg  has Armodafinil which acts as an active component to promote wakefulness. The medicine tends to improve conditions like narcolepsy or sleep apnea (which causes extreme sleepiness during the daytime).

Narcolepsy can make it hard to do everyday things. People can fall asleep when they don't want to, even if they are moving, eating, or talking. Other symptoms can include rapid muscle weakness while awake that makes a person go limp or unable to move (cataplexy), strong dream-like pictures or hallucinations, and total paralysis right before falling asleep or right after waking up (sleep paralysis).

In a normal sleep pattern, REM sleep happens about 60 to 90 minutes after falling asleep. REM sleep is when people dream, but their muscles are relaxed during this stage of sleep, so they can't act out their thoughts. People with narcolepsy often go into REM sleep quickly, within 15 minutes of falling asleep. Also, the weak muscles or dreaming that happen during REM sleep can happen when you are awake or when you are sleeping. This helps make sense of some of the signs of narcolepsy.

If narcolepsy isn't identified or handled, it can affect a person's psychological, social, and cognitive function and growth. It can also make it hard to do schoolwork, work, or hang out with friends. Narcolepsy is a problem that lasts a person's whole life, but it usually doesn't get worse as they get older. Over time, symptoms may get better in some ways, but they will never go away fully.