For Mcgregor, I would go with Paul Dano. The guy's a great actor and would play the downfall of Conor perfectly for me.
Shame we couldn't go back in time and use a young Karl Urban


I think it would be really interesting to see a film about Khabib and McGregor's rivalry, and I totally agree with you that Paul Dano would be a great choice to play McGregor.

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Who would you cast as Khabib? The possibilities are endless, and it's always fun to imagine how these stories might come to life on the big screen.
It's always fun to speculate on casting choices for hypothetical films! Paul Dano as McGregor is an interesting pick, and he's indeed a talented actor who could potentially capture the complexities of Conor's journey.

When it comes to a Khabib film, the casting for the iconic fighter would be a crucial decision. Someone who can embody his strength, discipline, and the unique path he carved in the world of MMA would be an exciting choice.

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